Continuous. It is a bit of a hike (~10 minute walk) from the nearest parking lot at the trail’s entrance, so not the most convenient for carrying large water bottles.
Nearest Address
750 University Ave.
Directions from Nearest Address
Follow path along river until it goes to narrow dirt path through grass. Continue to follow this, and you will see spring on edge of forest.
Water tested November 24, 2023 using the region of Waterloo well water testing service. 0 ecoli 0 coliform.
GPS location of actual spring site: 43.501461, -80.490981
I had the water tested in Nov 2012 by ALS labs in Waterloo. No bacteria and the water is high in calcium, magnesium, silicon, strontium and sodium. I tested the TDS and it was 745 and the pH was 7. I didn’t test the temperature but the water is very cold.
if you don’t mind me asking – what do you use to test spring water? And where do you get your water? We are new to Cambridge, Ontario and I’m hoping to find a water source for us. Thanks
We did a test through the Region of Waterloo late last year (after seeing this post) and again found 0 coliforms and 0 ecoli (I’ve been struggling to access this site for some reason so couldn’t post). I suspect based on Connor’s description of the way he took the sample that it may have been contaminated. All is well as far as safe water as of last year.
Thanks for getting the water tested Donna, and sharing the results!! What was the process like to get it done with the Region? What would one have to do to get it tested again? Thanks!
Went to this spring today, go downriver and across the bridge. You’ll get to the end of the path, and see a pile of rocks on the right at the foot of another path leading up a hill. There is the spring. Water tastes great.
We found this spring and did some testing this past week. Temp was 7.4 ℃. TDS was 520 ppm. We took a sample into the public health lab and it came back 0 coliforms and 0 E coli. Thrilled to find this so close to home! If anyone is having trouble finding it my guess is they haven’t walked far enough. Looking at the satellite picture, it is at the edge of the woods where the river makes a 90d turn – quite a ways south from the Kaufman flats parking lot. I took a few photos I would be happy to submit … if someone can let me know how to do that.
thank you so much for taking the time to test the water & post the results, donna! 🙂 … have you been drinking it since you collected it & have you noticed no ‘adverse’ effects? 🙂 thank you! 🙂
Hi Tom. Public Health labs test well water for free, and you can use the same testing for spring water. In Waterloo Region the easiest location is 99 Regina. Pick up sample bottles (every one has detailed instructions) and drop off at the reception desk.
Great to hear! My wife and I are moving to kitchener in March, and I was worried about whether I’d find a spring as good as the one at Chalk Lake and Lake Ridge in Durham. Will have to buy a wagon with offloading tires to get my big 7gal containers to it…
I once was visiting some friends at a summer camping trailer park in the kitchener(?) area. Across the road from the seasonable trailer park was a spring where people would get water. This was ~ 15 years ago. This trailer park was adjacent to a river (grand, I assume). This was my first visit to the area and I no longer remember where the park or spring is – does anyone from the area know where it is? thx all
Has anyone been lately? Is it still safe? Should the fact that there has been development close by be something to be cautious about? There isn’t any harmful bacteria or anything like that in it?
I was there last yr but this yr couldnt remember how to get there…now I know: down University N, just past Lexington on the right. Hope ithis secret relaxing spot hasnt been taken over by loud people. Used to be perfect spot to sit and relax and enjoy nature
I found the spring yesterday, I brought my GPS but the battery died (next time I’ll be prepared).
From the parking area, walk across the foot bridge to the gravel path.
Take the gravel path to the end, you will see the path do a loop.
Keep along the river there is a narrow grass path, follow that.
On the river side you will notice concrete break walls or mounds (what ever you want to call them).
Once on the narrow grass path you will pass two of the concrete mounds,
at which point there will be a fork in the path. Once you get to that fork,
you will notice a pile of large rocks on the right side just inside the tree line.
I know this trail pretty well. I’m going to check it out tomorrow to see if I can find the spring.. I think it may be in a spot much nearer to the bridge at the beginning of the stonedust trail.
Please provide a detailed guide on how to find this spring. I was unable to locate it following these directions. A picture would be beneficial as well, thank you. And thank you to those who have included this spring on the site-I can’t wait to see it for myself!
I remember this spring from about 20 years ago, and haven’t seen it since.
I was at Kaufman Flats a few weeks ago and remembered the spring, but thought it may have been taken out as there has been much development at the top of the hill.
I visited the spring yesterday and measured a TDS of ~1000 ppm and pH of 7. It is a bit of a hike (~10 minute walk) from the nearest parking lot at the trail’s entrance, so not the most convenient for carrying large water bottles from either. I haven’t done a compositional analysis of the water, but the high TDS coupled with the inconvenience factor does not make this spring an appealing option. Definitely a beautiful walk along the river though!
I went here today to try and find this spring but no luck…
Can anybody help me out here!?
A picture would be a great help..
Once I find it I will take a video so Daniel can embed it for others to find.
I used to go there years ago and couldnt remember how to get there. Found out …take University Ave N, just past lexington watch on the right for sign, you may miss it (a bit hidden) Can park car down hill at entrance. Will likely go there this month May 2015. Is a very peaceful spot to relax and enjoy nature, or at least it was years ago.
I’m going to hunt this place down, I will take a picture and measure the Total dissolved solids with my TDS meter, then I’ll drink it until I pee my pants! WOO!
jj I wont pee, but I will send you the TDS reading and photo Daniel!
Thanks for this site what a great idea.
Follow the gravel trail until it reaches the wooded area, and trail loop. There walk the wooded trail about 500 m up an incline, until you see a usually dry, rainfall run off stream bed. Walk down the hill towards the river, it’s at the forests’ edge.
I just got back now from this spring. Wow I’m exhausted.
I trekked up there from London. First I went to buy grass fed organic beef from a local farmer’s shop, which is 20-30 minutes from Waterloo. Then I went to collect my mail from my address in Waterloo last year (was a student at Laurier.) So much sadness going back. Normally when I went from London to Waterloo it was going back to a place I built many memories at and to continue on that same path after visiting my folks for a weekend. Now it was just to visit but not go to school. It was so weird like I was stuck in a time warp and there was nothing I could do about it. That’s the best I can put it. I felt like crying and a large part of that came from the fact that I had so much potential and could’ve had so much more fun, but I didn’t. Likely because of my deep rooted self esteem issues at the time. The thought of missing out when you didn’t have to had it not been for your own mental self which was always an uphill battle coming from an extremely physically abusive household is hard to come to terms with. Everyday I’d try to chip away a little bit I just wish it was fast enough that I could have thoroughly enjoyed university the way I envisioned. But then again time is the best teacher, can’t speed everything up all the time I guess. I wish I knew everything about this mental game that I do now. Especially at a place like freaking Laurier! Oh well still lots of good experiences and thoughts even while I didn’t do much in the way I envisioned on the extracurricular or fun side. Gotta keep things in perspective. I’ve improved lots in my effort to overcome my upbringing, and still look back positively on my time there.
It’s because of all this I started this journey in the first place. So maybe with effort you can make the saying things happen for the better true.
Ah right about the spring: I was honestly not expecting that much damn work. So first off to get there you drive past Lexington on University and take the first available right after Lexington. You’ll see in the parking lot a big board highlighting everything about where things are (which some doofus graffitied over). There’s a trail right along that board. Follow the trail until you see a tree stump blocking your path. Either go above or under it. Don’t have to jump or anything crazy. Then after that keep following the trail and the path will diverge, letting you go forward or to the right. Turn right and you’ll see the spring right away.
So this whole ordeal of walking to the spring from the start of the trail takes 10 minutes. That’s a lot. Might not seem like much but read on. It doesn’t help that the path is a bit rough.
I wanted my money’s worth so I took two 5 gallon carboys. I underestimated how difficult the logistics of this would be. First, there is not much space underneath the “tap” (is that the term?) making it impossible to fit a carboy under there. So then I tried to dig a little using a hand held mini steel rake which made a small difference but not nearly enough for a carboy. It made enough of a difference to make it easier to fit in my 4l bottle from Circle K a little easier. So I filled it, and dumped it into the carboy. That took a while but the water looked so beautiful as it flowed from the bottle to the carboy. We need to dig deeper in the area the water fall into so that someone can easily put a carboy under there. Who wants to take a 10 minute walk after getting there just to get only 4 litres of water, especially coming from far. Would require a shovel and at least two people.
And then carrying it back. I’ll admit I seriously underestimated how difficult this would be. I’m a fairly strong enough guy (was gonna say healthy but most of us aren’t with the tap water we drink and the refined carbs and sugars we consume), used to go to the gym a lot though haven’t in a year, maybe two. Still in okay shape. I thought it would be easy carrying it back. Oh just a 10 minute walk right? I wish. I didn’t do the calculation until just now but 5 gallons of water is 40lbs and change! So I was carrying 80lbs of water, maybe plus a few. I also did not want to pollute so was carrying back my 4l empty bottle and my mini steel rake in my pocket.
When you exercise what’s the weakest link? Your forearms/grip! I had no problem with walking with the weight or running with it. My legs are not sore. Your forearms are very tiny muscles compared to the rest of your body.
So I’d walk with it a little but would have to set it down because my forearms gave out, meaning my biceps took over, and when they were giving out my traps were taking over. All very small muscles compared to the bigger muscle groups. It took me 40 minutes to carry the jugs back. 35 if very very conservative. Woulda been much longer had I not had the genius idea of running with the car boys instead of waking so as to maximize the amount of distance covered by the time my forearms gave out. Also have to watch your ankles.
My legs are not sore one bit but I was struggling to turn my car on Lol! That’s how gassed my forearms were.
10 gallons of water is about 36 litres of water though so maybe it lasts me a month which wouldn’t be too bad.
As for the taste, it tastes good. It was my first time going to collect and sample spring water so I have no point of reference. Taste was good enough but wow did I feel really good when I put my hands under the tap and applied some on my face. It reminded me of how washing my face sometimes felt as a child. Everything is more fun as a kid so it’s nice to feel those feelings again.
It smelled pretty good too once you actually bottled it and it wasn’t affected by the mud and rocks. Going to get it tested in London. Idk what place is quickest and easiest though for that. Have been drinking it a little and it tastes good.
6-7 other cars, none of them were carrying jugs so I don’t think they knew about it. No one was at the spring.
If I were to go again I’d probably take a toboggan and put the carboys on there to pull though that makes it tougher on the legs.
Would I go there again? No probably not to collect water. It’s too much of a hassle even if it is the closest seemingly drinkable spring water from London.
Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.
The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips. is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.
Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.
Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug
When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.
When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.
How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.
How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.
I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.
Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.
Written by Dakota Chanel. Water Priestess and Ceremonialist.
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Kauffman Flats Spring, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Water tested November 24, 2023 using the region of Waterloo well water testing service. 0 ecoli 0 coliform.
GPS location of actual spring site: 43.501461, -80.490981
I had the water tested in Nov 2012 by ALS labs in Waterloo. No bacteria and the water is high in calcium, magnesium, silicon, strontium and sodium. I tested the TDS and it was 745 and the pH was 7. I didn’t test the temperature but the water is very cold.
thank you so much for having the water tested & thank you for sharing the results, dd! 🙂
Picked up test results today.
12 coliform per 100ml
1 E Coli per 100ml
Not safe for consumption based on those results.
Can’t say I’m that surprised. Didn’t taste the greatest and the way it was all set up I can see how it can come in contact with the external elements.
if you don’t mind me asking – what do you use to test spring water? And where do you get your water? We are new to Cambridge, Ontario and I’m hoping to find a water source for us. Thanks
We did a test through the Region of Waterloo late last year (after seeing this post) and again found 0 coliforms and 0 ecoli (I’ve been struggling to access this site for some reason so couldn’t post). I suspect based on Connor’s description of the way he took the sample that it may have been contaminated. All is well as far as safe water as of last year.
Thanks for getting the water tested Donna, and sharing the results!! What was the process like to get it done with the Region? What would one have to do to get it tested again? Thanks!
I just wanted to give an update on this spring. I had it tested this week and it came back 0 coliforms and 0 ecoli.
any recent updates?
Went to this spring today, go downriver and across the bridge. You’ll get to the end of the path, and see a pile of rocks on the right at the foot of another path leading up a hill. There is the spring. Water tastes great.
We found this spring and did some testing this past week. Temp was 7.4 ℃. TDS was 520 ppm. We took a sample into the public health lab and it came back 0 coliforms and 0 E coli. Thrilled to find this so close to home! If anyone is having trouble finding it my guess is they haven’t walked far enough. Looking at the satellite picture, it is at the edge of the woods where the river makes a 90d turn – quite a ways south from the Kaufman flats parking lot. I took a few photos I would be happy to submit … if someone can let me know how to do that.
Was the sample tested for any other contaminants/toxins?
This is great. I drink this water all the time and was considering getting it tested. How do you get water tested?
thank you so much for taking the time to test the water & post the results, donna! 🙂 … have you been drinking it since you collected it & have you noticed no ‘adverse’ effects? 🙂 thank you! 🙂
Just curious, which lab did you take it to? I was wanting do do the same with this spring, just didn’t know where to take it.
Hi Tom. Public Health labs test well water for free, and you can use the same testing for spring water. In Waterloo Region the easiest location is 99 Regina. Pick up sample bottles (every one has detailed instructions) and drop off at the reception desk.
Thanks Donna!
I’ll have to head over to get some bottles filled, it sure is tasty.
Great to hear! My wife and I are moving to kitchener in March, and I was worried about whether I’d find a spring as good as the one at Chalk Lake and Lake Ridge in Durham. Will have to buy a wagon with offloading tires to get my big 7gal containers to it…
Thanks for the info, Donna!
We found this spring today and took some photos. Temp was 7.4 ℃. Taking a sample to a lab to have tested. Stay tuned!
I once was visiting some friends at a summer camping trailer park in the kitchener(?) area. Across the road from the seasonable trailer park was a spring where people would get water. This was ~ 15 years ago. This trailer park was adjacent to a river (grand, I assume). This was my first visit to the area and I no longer remember where the park or spring is – does anyone from the area know where it is? thx all
Took the family down today and found it pretty easily. Head out the south end of the parking lot across the bridge.
Water looks and tastes great. Took 8L home.
I was there this past weekend and had a drink. I’m still alive.
I have a photo, will see how to post it.
I was here like 2 months ago and I was fine drinking it. But I didn’t test it with anything to be sure.
Has anyone been lately? Is it still safe? Should the fact that there has been development close by be something to be cautious about? There isn’t any harmful bacteria or anything like that in it?
I was there last yr but this yr couldnt remember how to get there…now I know: down University N, just past Lexington on the right. Hope ithis secret relaxing spot hasnt been taken over by loud people. Used to be perfect spot to sit and relax and enjoy nature
N43d 30′ 05″
W80d 29′ 27″
Look for the pile of rocks at the edge of the forest.
I found the spring yesterday, I brought my GPS but the battery died (next time I’ll be prepared).
From the parking area, walk across the foot bridge to the gravel path.
Take the gravel path to the end, you will see the path do a loop.
Keep along the river there is a narrow grass path, follow that.
On the river side you will notice concrete break walls or mounds (what ever you want to call them).
Once on the narrow grass path you will pass two of the concrete mounds,
at which point there will be a fork in the path. Once you get to that fork,
you will notice a pile of large rocks on the right side just inside the tree line.
The spring is at those rocks.
Thanks for the description! Helped me find it today
I know this trail pretty well. I’m going to check it out tomorrow to see if I can find the spring.. I think it may be in a spot much nearer to the bridge at the beginning of the stonedust trail.
Please provide a detailed guide on how to find this spring. I was unable to locate it following these directions. A picture would be beneficial as well, thank you. And thank you to those who have included this spring on the site-I can’t wait to see it for myself!
I remember this spring from about 20 years ago, and haven’t seen it since.
I was at Kaufman Flats a few weeks ago and remembered the spring, but thought it may have been taken out as there has been much development at the top of the hill.
I visited the spring yesterday and measured a TDS of ~1000 ppm and pH of 7. It is a bit of a hike (~10 minute walk) from the nearest parking lot at the trail’s entrance, so not the most convenient for carrying large water bottles from either. I haven’t done a compositional analysis of the water, but the high TDS coupled with the inconvenience factor does not make this spring an appealing option. Definitely a beautiful walk along the river though!
Thanks Kyle – we’ve updated some of the info for this spring! ~ JS Ohlander
I went here today to try and find this spring but no luck…
Can anybody help me out here!?
A picture would be a great help..
Once I find it I will take a video so Daniel can embed it for others to find.
I used to go there years ago and couldnt remember how to get there. Found out …take University Ave N, just past lexington watch on the right for sign, you may miss it (a bit hidden) Can park car down hill at entrance. Will likely go there this month May 2015. Is a very peaceful spot to relax and enjoy nature, or at least it was years ago.
I’m going to hunt this place down, I will take a picture and measure the Total dissolved solids with my TDS meter, then I’ll drink it until I pee my pants! WOO!
jj I wont pee, but I will send you the TDS reading and photo Daniel!
Thanks for this site what a great idea.
Did you ever get a picture of this? I want to send my husband here, but want to know that he will find it!
Anyone have and information on this spring? Is it sexy?
Follow the gravel trail until it reaches the wooded area, and trail loop. There walk the wooded trail about 500 m up an incline, until you see a usually dry, rainfall run off stream bed. Walk down the hill towards the river, it’s at the forests’ edge.
I just got back now from this spring. Wow I’m exhausted.
I trekked up there from London. First I went to buy grass fed organic beef from a local farmer’s shop, which is 20-30 minutes from Waterloo. Then I went to collect my mail from my address in Waterloo last year (was a student at Laurier.) So much sadness going back. Normally when I went from London to Waterloo it was going back to a place I built many memories at and to continue on that same path after visiting my folks for a weekend. Now it was just to visit but not go to school. It was so weird like I was stuck in a time warp and there was nothing I could do about it. That’s the best I can put it. I felt like crying and a large part of that came from the fact that I had so much potential and could’ve had so much more fun, but I didn’t. Likely because of my deep rooted self esteem issues at the time. The thought of missing out when you didn’t have to had it not been for your own mental self which was always an uphill battle coming from an extremely physically abusive household is hard to come to terms with. Everyday I’d try to chip away a little bit I just wish it was fast enough that I could have thoroughly enjoyed university the way I envisioned. But then again time is the best teacher, can’t speed everything up all the time I guess. I wish I knew everything about this mental game that I do now. Especially at a place like freaking Laurier! Oh well still lots of good experiences and thoughts even while I didn’t do much in the way I envisioned on the extracurricular or fun side. Gotta keep things in perspective. I’ve improved lots in my effort to overcome my upbringing, and still look back positively on my time there.
It’s because of all this I started this journey in the first place. So maybe with effort you can make the saying things happen for the better true.
Ah right about the spring: I was honestly not expecting that much damn work. So first off to get there you drive past Lexington on University and take the first available right after Lexington. You’ll see in the parking lot a big board highlighting everything about where things are (which some doofus graffitied over). There’s a trail right along that board. Follow the trail until you see a tree stump blocking your path. Either go above or under it. Don’t have to jump or anything crazy. Then after that keep following the trail and the path will diverge, letting you go forward or to the right. Turn right and you’ll see the spring right away.
So this whole ordeal of walking to the spring from the start of the trail takes 10 minutes. That’s a lot. Might not seem like much but read on. It doesn’t help that the path is a bit rough.
I wanted my money’s worth so I took two 5 gallon carboys. I underestimated how difficult the logistics of this would be. First, there is not much space underneath the “tap” (is that the term?) making it impossible to fit a carboy under there. So then I tried to dig a little using a hand held mini steel rake which made a small difference but not nearly enough for a carboy. It made enough of a difference to make it easier to fit in my 4l bottle from Circle K a little easier. So I filled it, and dumped it into the carboy. That took a while but the water looked so beautiful as it flowed from the bottle to the carboy. We need to dig deeper in the area the water fall into so that someone can easily put a carboy under there. Who wants to take a 10 minute walk after getting there just to get only 4 litres of water, especially coming from far. Would require a shovel and at least two people.
And then carrying it back. I’ll admit I seriously underestimated how difficult this would be. I’m a fairly strong enough guy (was gonna say healthy but most of us aren’t with the tap water we drink and the refined carbs and sugars we consume), used to go to the gym a lot though haven’t in a year, maybe two. Still in okay shape. I thought it would be easy carrying it back. Oh just a 10 minute walk right? I wish. I didn’t do the calculation until just now but 5 gallons of water is 40lbs and change! So I was carrying 80lbs of water, maybe plus a few. I also did not want to pollute so was carrying back my 4l empty bottle and my mini steel rake in my pocket.
When you exercise what’s the weakest link? Your forearms/grip! I had no problem with walking with the weight or running with it. My legs are not sore. Your forearms are very tiny muscles compared to the rest of your body.
So I’d walk with it a little but would have to set it down because my forearms gave out, meaning my biceps took over, and when they were giving out my traps were taking over. All very small muscles compared to the bigger muscle groups. It took me 40 minutes to carry the jugs back. 35 if very very conservative. Woulda been much longer had I not had the genius idea of running with the car boys instead of waking so as to maximize the amount of distance covered by the time my forearms gave out. Also have to watch your ankles.
My legs are not sore one bit but I was struggling to turn my car on Lol! That’s how gassed my forearms were.
10 gallons of water is about 36 litres of water though so maybe it lasts me a month which wouldn’t be too bad.
As for the taste, it tastes good. It was my first time going to collect and sample spring water so I have no point of reference. Taste was good enough but wow did I feel really good when I put my hands under the tap and applied some on my face. It reminded me of how washing my face sometimes felt as a child. Everything is more fun as a kid so it’s nice to feel those feelings again.
It smelled pretty good too once you actually bottled it and it wasn’t affected by the mud and rocks. Going to get it tested in London. Idk what place is quickest and easiest though for that. Have been drinking it a little and it tastes good.
6-7 other cars, none of them were carrying jugs so I don’t think they knew about it. No one was at the spring.
If I were to go again I’d probably take a toboggan and put the carboys on there to pull though that makes it tougher on the legs.
Would I go there again? No probably not to collect water. It’s too much of a hassle even if it is the closest seemingly drinkable spring water from London.