****As of 9/16/2013 We have been notified that this spring has been CLOSED down**** Please let us know if anything changes! ~The FindASpring Team~
It is routed through a hose accessible to all on the side of Harbor Road. It is right across from the library next to a long dock that goes out to the harbor
Nearest Address
Cold Spring Harbor Library, New York
Directions from Nearest Address
Across the street and about 100 feet east.(It is adjacent to the boat launch ramp). Once you pass the library pull into the public parking lot on the right side- it is for the boat launch & hiking trails. If you are lucky, you will be able to make a left out of this parking lot & get a spot across the street- right in front of where the spring water flows.
BOYCOTT COLD SPRING HARBOR & HUNTINGTON BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS DO NOT SPEND A PENNY THERE HIT THEM IN THEIR WALLETS USE THE INTERNET AS A TOOL TO GET THE WORD OUT !! put it on facebook etc !! screw them and their slimy control freak ways. Do not let them get over !! cut and paste your info on your emails etc!!
The dock owner installed video surveillance and anyone trespassing will be convicted! Blame the damn Gooks for Ruining our way of life. Liberalism is a Mental Disorder!
I have never drink water from a spring. I have drunk tap and bottled water only. A few weeks ago I started to do my own research on water and found out that spring water is the way to go. I live in Huntington this spring is very close to my house.
What are any tips/advice you would give me to have the best experience collecting water from this spring? what time is best? what container should I bring? where exactly is the hose? how often do you all come to collect water?
I know below people said there are other spots where you can get water – but this specific location is 100% closed. I was just there – at low tide – and the pipe it was flowing through in all the videos online was shut. Maybe there are other places someone can enlighten you to. This one is definitely not in service.
there are actually many other places nearby where clean fresh water is flowing freely from the ground, but the locations of these secret springs are only known by a few.
Rant part 2/2: suffer the financial consequences of contributing to the corporate greed and decay of morality by buying bottled water from a store. The benefits of developing any one of these springs may possibly reverberate for generations, so please contact me if you would like to help me bring Spring water back to Long Island.
Here’s a link for people concerned about the safety if the spring: http://www.coldspringharborspringwater.com/testresults.html
As far as updates go, I went there today and there were no pipes sticking out of the rock wall, but there still seemed to be some water flowing down through the rock wall itself so it looks like it hasn’t been shut off completely, just made pretty much inaccessible.
So here’s a thought: Long Island has four major rivers all fed by fresh water springs. 100% from ground water. The first is the Connetquot, per wikipedia: It starts just south of the Long Island Expressway from springs in the Lakeland County Park in Islandia, New York where it is called Connetquot Brook. The Carmans: Originates in Cathedral Pines County Park near Middle Island, New York. The Peconic: originates in a small depression on the west side of the William Floyd parkway adjacent to the Brookhaven National Lab. The Nissequogue: originates at Caleb Smith Park and flows to Kings Park, New York.
Now I’m not sure what exactly has to happen to bring these up and out of the ground and make them accessible to people, but you know what, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them keep ANYONE from getting to the fresh water that the creator has provided for us. So if anyone has a better idea of what to do with this info, and wants to do something about it, please email me at schatzgh@gmail.com.
CSH has been shut down and the spring In statin island has been shut down. Imagine how many millions of people in NYC and LI and the surrounding areas have now been forced to consume nothing but fluoridated, chlorinated, health degrading tap liquid or suffer the financial consequences of contributing to
I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem with inconsistent access to the well may stem from the UN Agenda for the 21st Century. Suffolk County has signed up with ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) a NGO that works with the UN to bring the agenda locally with the intent to sign all of the US to it’s agenda.
The Town of Huntington is signed onto ICLEI, as well as many other towns in Suffolk. My town is also paying dues to ICLEI garnered from taxpayer money. ie WE are paying for our own demise through our taxes.
It is imperative for all of us to understand the implications of this Agenda 21.
“Behind the Green Mask” by Rosa Koire is an excellent little book with great information about this subject. Youtube.com has many videos on this as well.
oh man, i was loving this spring, and one day its gone, i can here the water running, i just bought a 5 gallon glass jug to fill up there with a sweep top pump,
Well it seems the Cold Spring Harbor Jurassic spring has been cemented shut. I turn my sites to the spring up the road. Shore Rd. Its the spring Gixxxerkim shows a video of. Wish someone would test it to see if its drinkable. I tested it to be TDS=24 pH=6.1 I’m thinking of letting my dog drink it for a little while first. My next closes choice of Jurassic spring in on Staten Island and the post there sound like that one is closed too. Millurn NJ has high TDS so thats out. May have to go back to filtering water like I was doing 2 years ago. All the water I drank since then was from CSH Spring. All! Lets get our spring back
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back
town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172
councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174
councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172 they are having a “closed door meeting with suffolk
I was down at the spring last night, whats left of it. The sound of rushing water has been replaced by a fan spray into the air. Not sure there is any way to capture water, now. Police have been sighted in the area. Probably deterring people from climbing down the steep rocky wall. I think the spring may somehow plug itself up. I may end up resurfacing someplace else like 30 feet offshore. Rather than hire the Greenpease submarine, if they have one, we should all do the following:
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back
town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172
councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174
councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172
Gixxxerkim or Daniel Vitalis or LeighLon Anderson, Is the other spring 6 feet out in the bay at high tide a Jurassic spring? If it is, can you add it to the database? If its not can you tell Gixxxerkim what to do if he/she drinks it and gets sick as a dog.
I have a spring update. 2/23/13. TDS=47 pH=6.1 The spring has been vandalized in many places. The new location is just north of the dock, just under the lip of the retaining wall. The original 150 foot black plastic pipe has been reduced to a 1 inch metal pipe.(Silver in color) It is cut or broken just past an elbow that is inside the retaining wall mesh. It just so happened that some of the broken pipe catches some of the water and it dribbles down five feet to the south, from an abandoned hacksaw cut, behind the retaining wall mesh but still accessible using a narrow neck bottle to get behind the mesh. I hope someday the spring is re plumbed. I hope whoever cut the spring finds the help he needs. This is the 3rd time someone broke it.
This is the alternative location on Shore Road. When the Harbor Road spring is disconnected, broken, or frozen, this one seems to be in order. Its sometimes 6 feet into the bay though at high tide.
I wish Daniel Vitalis would add this one to the database. People have been drinking and testing this spring every year for many years. If its not a Jurassic spring I would say don’t drink from it, right? I’m filling my jugs but I haven’t drank any until I am sure its good water. There is a duck pond up the street. If that’s the source of the spring it my have poop in it.
Spring has been reopened for a while now. But this afternoon I was there and it wasnt’ running maybe frozen? I hear there is another outlet on shore road but I don’t know where.
They put up a brand new sign recently, like a HUGE warning sign that the water is not safe to drink, but it’s still flowing. I’ve seen several people who claim to have done independent testing, and even posted the results (and they were perfect) but I’ve also seen people posting that they have seen negative test results (but didn’t have the proof). I’m torn. The water tastes incredible, TDS is around 28-32 on any given day.
This great. I relocated back from AZ and so happy to see theres someplace close to get real spring water. I wouldn’t even think of drinking any water that wasn’t purified from the east, so I had to buy my water. Im saying this because I found out something interesting. A few years ago I had a hair analysis and to my surprise I found had high levels of uranium in my hair. I couldn’t understand why since Im in the health field myself. then a few months ago I was talking to this Dr and he told me most all his patients had high uranium in their hair and many of his physician friends also found that in their patients. It immediately brought back to mind my own hair analysis. I asked him why did he think that was. He told me after a lot of hard searching he said her was told by some one that said if anything came up it would be denied. He said he found out that nuclear waste was being dumped in the mountains of Northern California. I though wow since they aren’t using the Yucca Flats facility in Nevada they were trying to hide it there. Now recently I came across an interesting article that spoke about a man that is an icon in the environmental movement. His name is James Lovelock. He is the creator of the “Gaia Hypothesis “. The article is ” The Creator of The Gaia Hypothesis Supports Nuclear Power”. He basically says that natural environments can withstand much higher levels of radiation that would be intolerable in cities. He states that we call the ash from nuclear power waste and worry about how we should dispose of it. Now heres the scary part. He next states” I wonder instead if we should use it as an incorruptible guardian of the beautiful places of the earth. Who would dare cut down a forest in which was the storage place of nuclear ash”. UNBELIEVABLE !! Now the whole watershed is contaminated with Uranium.
This great. I relocated back from AZ and so happy to see theres someplace close to get real spring water. I wouldn’t even think of drinking any water that wasn’t purified from the east, so I had to buy my water. Im saying this because I found out something interesting. A few years ago I had a hair analysis and to my surprise I found had high levels of uranium in my hair. I couldn’t understand why since Im in the health field myself. then a few months ago I was talking to this Dr and he told me most all his patients had high uranium in their hair and many of his physician friends also found that in their patients. It immediately brought back to mind my own hair analysis. I asked him why did he think that was. He told me after a lot of hard searching he said her was told by some one that said if anything came up it would be denied. He said he found out that nuclear waste was being dumped in the mountains of Northern California. I though wow since they aren’t using the Yucca Flats facility in Nevada they were trying to hide it there. Now recently I came across an interesting article that spoke about a man that is an icon in the environmental movement. His name is James Lovelock. He is the creator of the “Gaia Hypothesis “. The article is ” The Creator of The Gaia Hypothesis Supports Nuclear Power”. He basically says that natural environments can withstand much higher levels of radiation that would be intolerable in cities. He states that we call the ash from nuclear power waste and worry about how we should dispose of it. Now heres the scary part. He next states” I wonder instead if we should use it as an incorruptible guardian of the beautiful places of the earth. Who would dare cut down a forest in which was the storage place of nuclear ash”. UNBELIEVABLE !! Now the whole watershed is contaminated with Uranium.
You can get glass carboys from Brooklyn Homebrew or online some place. There’s also Better Bottle which is lighter and won’t break. Supposedly it doesn’t leech plastic, but I have smelled a little something in mine. Still, it’s better than plastic and safer (and lighter!) than glass. Brooklyn Homebrew has some good people working there. . .they can help you out for sure.
Hello Anthony,
Can you tell us what is the latest situation regarding Cold Spring? Also, as any have asked; can you tell us where to get the bottles?
Thanks buddy!
The water is back on and we are working on two projects for this WELL (it is not a spring). One, we want to get a testing program in place to determine quality, and secondly, we want to build a more natural looking stone structure for the water lines.
I found out about all this to late, however, if you ever need support in the future, please let me know. Have you found all the workers you need? I am a mature woman and have not skills of that sort. I am enthusisatic and would help to support the issue in other ways if necessary. Keep up the good work. It is a beautiful project.
The artesian well water is flowing again the town decided to connect the hose ! Guess they knew they should do the “right thing”.. Well guess there is hope for democracy !! even in a town full of hipocrites !! THANK YOU DAN VITALIS for your website !! Your site has helped us get out the word !!
BILLY JOEL — you out there ?? Your park named “BILLY JOEL PARK” is adjacent to our now “DISCONNECTED” artesian well water hose.. Can you write and sing a song for US ? maybe the first line would go like this – in a town that was know as Cold Spring Harbor the rat bastards took away our water dah dah dah da da da da and our freedoms were gone and a dah dah dah and then HIT it heavy with the PIANO !! with a syncopated beat da da da da da kind of like you did for the Piano Man !!
Selfish? Why? It is NOT selfish. The water is free and flowing all day, not like those filling up are hoarding it from others, everyone can get in on it.
Susan, youtube search “Daniel Vitalis,” and watch his videos. “H20 Magic” is a great starting point, it is a 14-part video series. He talks about water on many other series, including “Elixircraft” and “Invincible Health.” Educate yourself before you talk badly about spring water. It is the water we are all meant to drink.
It is NOT ridiculous! That is a very selfish attitude. It doesn't harm anyway that they do that. We as humans need water to survive, and they are completely allowed to do that. The water is a gift from the earth. In Japanese the word for “abomination” is the same as the characters for “to sell water” – because it is a birthright. You are 70% water, the planet is too, everyone has a right to the clean water that springs forth from the earth. And, if you watch videos by Daniel Vitalis (H20 Magic, for example), you'll understand why it's so important that it continues to be shared.
H2oH2oH2oH2oH2oH2oH2oH2O You hear about the 2 holes in the ground ? WELL WELL – ok now do we have your attn: Your well water sources may be the next to be cut off !! Support the FOLKS @ COLD HARBOR – the town is going to be renamed soon since they removed the SPRING !! Do what you can to get the word out ! Thank You All ! Oh by the way it is adjacent to Billy Joel Park. Is there anyone out there that knows Billy Joel ? – If so -step up to the plate and tell em what they have done – please tell em they shut off our SPRING – maybe he can even write a song about it !!
A website has been set up to help get the word out on the issue at hand of “OUR” artesian well water being shut down – If you wish to get involved to have them give us back “OUR” water than please visit this website: Michael – a down to earth guy with a zest for life and a deep rooted feeling to do the right thing has devoted lots of time to set this up.
Heather & Friends of Freedom++++ I brought three bottles of the water to my mom's house and she is 89 yrs old and she had her sister who is 85 with her and they tasted the water and said it tasted great ! You know I wasn't drinking this water for over 8 years and then I saw that they disconncted the hose and for me it was more about losing “OUR FREEDOMS” than drinking the actual water and now I thirst for the water in the worst way!
I am so upset that they closed down the springs. I grew up in Cold Spring Harbor and drank from those springs all the time. As did my ancestors before me. My family has been in Cold Spring Harbor from the beginning. I still go there to get a taste of the goodness. No one has EVER gotten sick from the water. EVER! So now they want to take away the reason they named the town Cold Spring Harbor in the 1st place. It's like taking the Oysters out of Oyster Bay!. And in reply to Dave, Thanks for the numbers. I will be making lots of calls come Monday morning.
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172 councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174 councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172 they are having a “closed door meeting with suffolk county heath dept folks on July 8th so it is important to call – sooner rather than later
There is a spring on Staten island – haven't been there however.. Yes it is a sad thing and you hit the nail on the head – this is America – Land of the free yet you can't even take some simple spring water — the control freaks shut it down but – we have not given up yet !! We are going to be on their egotistical asses and are not going to give it up so easy!! They have all the money and still they are unhappy so they must “control you ” to get their jollies see the money still doesn't make them happy – they are miserable people – just show money doesn't bring happiness or hippy ness for that matter !!
I happen to be related to a board member from the boating club. Apparently someone in the winter slipped on the ice and is suing the town. Then the town stated the spring water spout belonged to the boating club so that is why it was moved inside the private club. The number of people pulling up to the spout with 5 gallon jugs to fill was outrageous. It wasn't only 1 it was more like 5 to 10 bottles.
The Water at Cold Spring is fine to drink. I have the test results from National Testing Labs. I went to the Rally on Sunday and made a few signs Like SAVE COLD SPRING. What is Cold Spring without a Spring? I hope lot's of people took notice to our signs and go to the town meeting Tuesday night the 15th. Lot of good folks helped with the effort of saving the spring. Those trying to close the Spring must be Cold! There are alot of worse things to drink!
Someone just emailed me to tell me she knows a biologist who has tested the water here (no idea when and why) and said the problem was coliform levels. I'd love to have a spring I could go to but only if the water is safe to drink as verified by unbiased scientific methods and sources.
It's no longer in operation, I was there yesterday, June 13, 2010 and the flexible hose was completely removed. I located a galvanized pipe. This pipe now leads to the dock and ramp of the private boating club to the right of the former flowing spicket. The pipe is attached to a metal container under their board walk. A plastic hose discharges the overflow of the spring water, which was once available to the public. I don't know why it is not available any longer. I wonder who has jurisdiction over this spring.
PLEASE FOLKS – from NY NJ CT and those farther away who wish to support all of us.. remember the slogan united we stand – divided we fall !! Well you can support us now since they have taken away the Spring water that so many enjoyed – COME – to the Spring Water Rally this Sunday 10am – 3 PM – your Spring Water & freedoms may be the next to be effected by your local government's facist behavior. !!
Thanks for your insight into this matter that is more important than many realize.. It is as much about the water as it is about our dwindling freedoms here in AMERICA – supposed “LAND OF THE FREE” See if you can attend the water rally on Sunday and bring as many folks that you like and love along with your kindred soul !!
I had the sense that there was going to be conflict over this spring the moment that I first arrived. I felt a strong sense that someone would feel the need to control that water supply. There are always control issues disguised as something else. I have never seen the area dirty or folks disrespectful. That's just a smoke screen. It's very sad that whomever is behind this felt better about life by denying others such a simple pleasure.
Fortunately Control and fear are on their way out….and unity consciousness is on it's way in!
I would have to agree with Michell about other sources of water on Tap and Spring water we buy in bottles besides that, it may have dog drool or whatever…LOL it is Pasturized…it has to be. So springs are better but should be tested frequently from a reliable source.
Why don't you petition the town and now have it renamed COLD HARBOR or Harbor NY.. – since there is no spring soon . You probably drink bottled water from plastic bottles that produce more toxic materials since most of the plastic is incinerated and then trashes the air we breath. Your attitude sucks – you also probably drive a big ass petroleum sucking SUV and don't give a crap about anyone but your narrow circle of like minded snot asses and your ways will be the demise of “OUR QUALITY OF LIFE” If you have any kids you don't care if the enviromnent they have been handed down will be devoid of fish and clean air etc – due to your SELFISH self serving ways.. Why don't you birth a child into a toxic wastedump !! or a cesspool for that matter !! People like you are a major reason why the world is so messed UP ! GOOD LUCK – If I had the opportunity I would flush people like you down the toilet like a piece of stinking fecal matter
I personally tested the water and so did a third party company. On any given day the water tests differently. Forget the pesticides, the acidity content of the water is scarily high. Everything bad likes acid and thrives on it. Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline state but loves acid. For that reason alone, I would not drink or recommend drinking that water. I don't know why the water was shut but I do know that in addition to my tests, the town has been called and notified of the third party water testing. I ask myself, if they operate and regulate that spout, could they possibly have a law suit on their hands if they allow the water to run and people to drink from it knowing it does not meet standards. I have been here for 40 years and know of people who have drunk from that spring for years, I do not want to share their health situations nor do I know if any of them relate to the spring. I would not blindly drink that water. The folks signing the petition should maybe get together and have their own tests done.
You can see if “YOUR” government works for you now or if it is all a BS illusion & if we actually live in a “free” country .. Come to the “SRRING WATER RALLY” @ the Cold Spring Harbor boat ramp on SUNDAY June 13, from 10 am – 3 PM bring you friends and familly and some empty water bottles and some signs and show the rotten creeps from the town that “WE THE PEOPLE” want “OUR” – (yes it is OURS) water back — next they will try to shut off your air supply.. Like Joani Mitchell sang – you don't know what you've got till its gone! NEXT sttep – come to TOWN OF HUNTINGTON town hall meeting June 15 @7:00 PM and tell em you want the water accesible.. it is now running into the harbor and is hard to access and on algae covered slippery rocks !!
Would you be so kind as to inform us as to whom has tested the water and gotten these results? A respected friend of mine told me that the water checked out. I was also told that the water quality is monitored by the Town of Huntington. I have not confirmed this, as the TOH has not returned my emails.
In all due respect to Susan, my family has lived in TOH, Lloyd Harbor since 1991. Obviously, I may have missed witnessing some poor behavior at the spring, but I must say that in almost 20 years (has it been that long!) I haven't seen any rambunctious behavior at the spring. However, I do know that in the past several years that I have been retrieving our water there I have seen and met many Korean and Asian families and Latino landscapers filling up water vessels. As a graduate of Cold Spring Harbor HIgh School, where at the time that I attended there were statistics of 1/2 of an African American student in 7-12 grade school, I would hate to think that the decision to cut the line was the product of discrimination. This spring could easily be rerouted 10-20 feet to public property. In Johnson, VT there is a quaint (and functional) tap created out of concrete and stone.
IMHO, in so far as the sanitary condition of the spring- it is always running and anything that may have touched the nozzle is washed away. For those of us who are informed about water, tap water is not the answer. Not only has it been stripped of all of its mineral content, but it has many unwanted residues including jet fuel (the government has mandated 'safe' quantities) and trace amounts of many prescription drugs, not to mention chlorine and (in some counties) flouride, both known to cause disruption in thyroid function (possibly other things, this is only what I am personally aware of). How do we know that spring water from commercial sources doesn't have dog drool (lol!) amoung other things? Factories are scary places even 100 years after Upton Sinclair.
Honestly, this spring is very well used. There are times that I have had to wait for 20+ minutes or stop back on a different occasion. For this reason, I think that the town should post its reasons for this significant change to people's lives. I think that this community has been greatly overlooked and it would be common courtesy to provide an explanation.
The water has been tested, it has very high levels of nitrates and nitrites, otherwise known as pesticides and fertilizers. It also has extremely high acidic levels which is terrible for our health. It might taste good but maybe there is a good reason, a health reason for shutting the water off. This has nothing to do with your own freedom rights this is a health issue. Where do you think all the pesticides go, what about all the maliathion that was sprayed for West Niles, why are they're no longer lobsters, shrimp and oysters in our water. Why in the world would you drink something that is killing off our wildlife. I don't get it…..
Hello all, I live in CSH, and don't know why the water was shut off either. All I know, is that people that do take the water have been posting obnoxious signs such as “Turn the Water On”, and “Obama Shut off the Water”, and there have been people out at a table on the side of the road (and 25A is very dangerous) having people sign a petition to bring the water back . Many have commented that CSH is a quaint old village, and we'd like to keep it that way. Anyone who lives here sees people taking water at all hours of the day and night with lights on, radios blasting and leaving water bottles, cigarette buts, garbage on the site. Maybe you aren't those people, but that's what we residents see and you know the saying “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel! I have never tried the water, and don't want to. I'm not sure why you want to because for all you know, someone might have put their mouth on the hose to drink, or maybe their dog drank from the hose and licked it. The whole idea is disgusting and unsanitary to me no matter how great you think the water is. Just my thoughts, sorry.
Your response is an important one. Litter bugs are everywhere. The town should be charging fines for littering. If they can catch people on speeding, vagrancy and parking issues, the town can also watch for those that are dropping their goods where ever they please, this includes cigarette butts.
I have been coming here for several years and have run into people who have been for 25+ years. I thought that it was public property as it is literally on the side of a public road. the water hose could easily be rerouted to public property if there was demand. I emailed the town of Huntington about the situation and didn't get a response. If anyone is up for organizing, I will be the first in line to get our water turned back on. I'll keep posted.
If I could just say. . .this is how things get out of hand when they don't necessarily need to. Like I said, I've never been to this Spring, but perhaps the people who own the neighboring property have their own reasons for denying access. Perhaps someone (not you, of course) was noisy, messy, or inebriated when they filled up and it left them with a bad taste in their mouths. Maybe people were rude or disrespectful.
I don't know the answer to these questions, and it seems like neither does anybody else on this list. Why not ask the owners what their motivation was and ask if they'd consider working something out? Maybe leaving a donations box nearby, or charging 50 cents per visit, or requiring a call in advance to control disorderly behavior might be all they would need to feel comfortable. And how bad would that be?
Being a property owner can be a huge hassle, especially when random people are wandering up into your space every few days. And some of those people (again, not you) might be kind of weird.
Anyway, they may be total a**holes, that's true, but we'll never know until somebody kindly asks for an explanation. One way to ensure that they *become* total a**holes is by preemptively treating them that way and starting some kind of war on their town.
Have a little compassion for the people who live/work on the land full time and realize that we water foragers are guests who visit for a short while and move on, while they have to live there every day. A little understanding can go a long way towards finding a solution, but the freaking out will only lead to more problems.
Remember, the point of this is so we can get some good water, not to raise holy hell on people we don't even know. Keep the mission in sight, lest we lose more of these wells.
PS- not to jump to conclusions, but I think it's worth noting that after what, 100 years (?), the well is only now being closed now that it's been publicized on this site? It might help if Daniel put up some guidelines as to proper behavior with “the natives” when filling up in case “disorderly conduct” was what caused the closing. Presumably more and more people are visiting now, which means more and more chances of a mishap. This is something that we should bear in mind across the world as spring water becomes more and more popular. D
I'll save the political/racial ranting for the liberal and/or ethnic posters and just say that probably any trespassers will be prosecuted, not convicted. The conviction will be up to a jury not the property owner, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it would never even get as far as an indictment. Do they have retina scanning devices on those cameras to compare us all with the international spring water thieves database?
Has anyone even tried communicating with the owners of the property? (I would recommend that most of these posters *not* attempt that, since they don't strike me as being terribly diplomatic).
Anyway, I haven't been to this spring yet, but this thread line has made me want to come down there and meet y'all!
The water continues to flow heavily out of the rocks to the right of and below the dock. You just need to walk down below the dock to get it. The tubes have been removed but the water still pours out of the rocks. I filled a bottle this way today.
The spring is back in action. I was there on Sunday and there is a black hose with spring water running out right next to the entrance to the yacht club pier.
Went by today the dam tyranny of the quote unquote free county we are supposed to be living in ! WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO PREVENT FOLKS FROM GETTING SOME SPRING WATER !! ! See the movie “America – From freedom to facism ” by Aaron Russo
I've been getting cold spring water for a long time now. Someone told me there was a spring in Oyster Bay some years ago in which people abused and made a mess. Driving past Cold spring in a hurry to get to Huntington I saw this man cleaning his vaccum equipment out he must use for a business. Stupid ass! Others like Asian Restaurant owners or something bring many bottles to fill and are just down right selfish! Maybe a sign with Courtesy Tips might help.
If anyone knows of a spring somewhere on long Island please let us know. The travel is so far to go west and north. You know there has to be more springs here.
I also went to CS Harbor and was totally devasted when I had seen that the water was no longer available. So I am wondering, what are our options for pure, fresh spring water for those of us living on Long Island?
Hi Jay, We are outraged too! We think we saw you last weekend at the banished spring. In the air above us that day there were heavy chemtrails — just another issue at large – of course the Sping water is more urgent at the moment .. We wonder who is responsible for removing the hose and for what reason. ??
Sunday May 16th 2010. The hose has been cut and diverted into a private dock area . There was a sign at the location above which had been painted over as to block out the words “Taking water prohibited.” The sign currently reads “Turn water back on”.
The gate was open to the dock so I didn't see the sign that it was a private area untill after I filled my jugs,
The Cold spring for the public has been shut down, and the hose removed with only a sign that say's : “TAKING SPRING WATER PROHIBITED” With no explanation given, after over 100 years, they owe us that.. i'm very upset ! Just wanted to let people know before they drive.
hey thankyou everyone that has made the knowledge of this spring available i have been searching for a spring for so long and did not realize there was one so close to me i live in long beach on the south shore thankyouuuuuuu
Just went here yesterday. Be careful of the Google Maps directions when turning off NY-135N. Take the WOODBURY exit toward 25East. Don't continue to Jericho (end of Expressway) that will put you on 25West….e.g. the opposite direction. Even though I got turnaround I finally made it and it was well worth it! Thank you Daniel!
Used to get water from Cold Spring Harbor's spring, but since I've been talking with some raw foodists, locals, and spring water enthusiasts, there might be something else in the water. From what I understand, Cold Spring Harbor laboratories is right there and that's where they do DNA work. Seeing how the lab has been there since before EPA standards or most likely any strict standards were put into place, I got a little wary of getting my water from there. Most likely, these little take home kits can't check out molecular bonding, so until someone or “WE” test it to that level, I'm going to stay clear for a while.
Oh, they also sell Better Bottle carboys which are, indeed, super light and durable. I'm always a little skeptical about new technologies and toxicity, but these seem to be pretty tight. You could also load up in a BB and then siphon it into glass when you get home- assuming you have the space for all those extra jugs!
These guys sell glass carboys in the city- Italian made and Mexican made. I think you can get rubber protectors for them, but I don't know where. Mountain Valley Spring Water delivers water in 5-gallon glass jugs also, and they have bulky plastic containers to protect them. Maybe you could contact them about where to get some. THe carboy link is here- http://www.brooklyn-homebrew.com/Brooklyn_Homeb…
Check Better-Bottle.com or fine a local wine/beer supply company. Big glass bottles are ideal, but can be very dangerous and extremely heavy. Consider using highgrade plastic during transportation, or bring cardboard boxes (usually when you buy the bottles they will come with these) and put the bottles (dried off of course) in the boxes when you drive back home.
This water is fine…easily the best option if you are in NYC. A quick drive on the BQE out to Hicksville then head north for 15 minutes. WAY faster than Stokes out in NJ. We still prefer stokes, but if time is a concern, I have NO problem getting water from here. TDS came up 40 for me. The water is cold, but not as cold as it could be because of the long tube it comes out of. I would go.
I have been drinking this spring water for about 3 weeks. It tastes a lot better than tap water. This site posted TDS 20. Anyone know more infor about this spring's water quality? Thanks
Hey Anthony. There's another Anthony posting here w/o a picture attached. Is that you too? He/you says he's not that into the water here after all. I'm in NYC and am looking for local options for spring water. Have you been to any that you'd recommend? A 2+ hour drive wouldn't be too much. Thanks! D
I went here a couple nights ago and the water doesnt feel or taste good to me. It tastes clean but it also had a after taste that felt like tap water. Other springs ive tasted i could tell were great very easily. There might be some other springs in the state parks in suffolk.
We just went here this evening…it is right across from the library next to a long dock that goes out to the harbor. The TDS read 20! Very nice. There were three other groups there getting water as well, so all seems fine. Drinking the water now…very tasty and clean. Happy to have this option from NYC instead of having to cross over to NJ. No tolls and easy driving the whole way.
Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.
The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips.
FindASpring.org is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.
Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.
Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug
When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.
When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.
How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.
How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.
I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.
Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.
Written by Dakota Chanel. Water Priestess and Ceremonialist. DakotaChanel.com
Do you have info you'd like to add to the main spring description or perhaps a more accurate gps coordinate?
Please start by making a comment on this spring's page with any additional info, or something that you feel should be changed to reflect more accurate data. After your comment is liked by enough community members, this will validate the improved information.
Please notify us if an update with enough likes hasn't been updated in the description yet.
Cold Spring Harbor Spring, Cold Spring Harbor Library, New York, NY ****CLOSED**** Reported 9/16/2013
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USE THE INTERNET AS A TOOL TO GET THE WORD OUT !! put it on facebook etc !!
screw them and their slimy control freak ways. Do not let them get over !! cut and paste your
info on your emails etc!!
The dock owner installed video surveillance and anyone trespassing will be convicted!
Blame the damn Gooks for Ruining our way of life. Liberalism is a Mental Disorder!
Permanently closed?
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory – Advancing the frontiers of biology through education and research – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
What is the latest on this spring???
I have never drink water from a spring. I have drunk tap and bottled water only. A few weeks ago I started to do my own research on water and found out that spring water is the way to go. I live in Huntington this spring is very close to my house.
What are any tips/advice you would give me to have the best experience collecting water from this spring? what time is best? what container should I bring? where exactly is the hose? how often do you all come to collect water?
I know below people said there are other spots where you can get water – but this specific location is 100% closed. I was just there – at low tide – and the pipe it was flowing through in all the videos online was shut. Maybe there are other places someone can enlighten you to. This one is definitely not in service.
i was here a few months ago… you have to go at low tide 😉
Hi waterwars, or anyone else who knows of where the other springs are in NYC please let me or us know!
there are actually many other places nearby where clean fresh water is flowing freely from the ground, but the locations of these secret springs are only known by a few.
Hi waterwars, or anyone else who knows of where the other springs are in NYC please let me or us know!
Rant part 2/2: suffer the financial consequences of contributing to the corporate greed and decay of morality by buying bottled water from a store. The benefits of developing any one of these springs may possibly reverberate for generations, so please contact me if you would like to help me bring Spring water back to Long Island.
Here’s a link for people concerned about the safety if the spring: http://www.coldspringharborspringwater.com/testresults.html
As far as updates go, I went there today and there were no pipes sticking out of the rock wall, but there still seemed to be some water flowing down through the rock wall itself so it looks like it hasn’t been shut off completely, just made pretty much inaccessible.
So here’s a thought: Long Island has four major rivers all fed by fresh water springs. 100% from ground water. The first is the Connetquot, per wikipedia: It starts just south of the Long Island Expressway from springs in the Lakeland County Park in Islandia, New York where it is called Connetquot Brook. The Carmans: Originates in Cathedral Pines County Park near Middle Island, New York. The Peconic: originates in a small depression on the west side of the William Floyd parkway adjacent to the Brookhaven National Lab. The Nissequogue: originates at Caleb Smith Park and flows to Kings Park, New York.
Now I’m not sure what exactly has to happen to bring these up and out of the ground and make them accessible to people, but you know what, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them keep ANYONE from getting to the fresh water that the creator has provided for us. So if anyone has a better idea of what to do with this info, and wants to do something about it, please email me at schatzgh@gmail.com.
CSH has been shut down and the spring In statin island has been shut down. Imagine how many millions of people in NYC and LI and the surrounding areas have now been forced to consume nothing but fluoridated, chlorinated, health degrading tap liquid or suffer the financial consequences of contributing to
I have a sneaking suspicion that the problem with inconsistent access to the well may stem from the UN Agenda for the 21st Century. Suffolk County has signed up with ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) a NGO that works with the UN to bring the agenda locally with the intent to sign all of the US to it’s agenda.
The Town of Huntington is signed onto ICLEI, as well as many other towns in Suffolk. My town is also paying dues to ICLEI garnered from taxpayer money. ie WE are paying for our own demise through our taxes.
It is imperative for all of us to understand the implications of this Agenda 21.
“Behind the Green Mask” by Rosa Koire is an excellent little book with great information about this subject. Youtube.com has many videos on this as well.
A couple of websites to visit are:
Just a thought…
oh man, i was loving this spring, and one day its gone, i can here the water running, i just bought a 5 gallon glass jug to fill up there with a sweep top pump,
Well it seems the Cold Spring Harbor Jurassic spring has been cemented shut. I turn my sites to the spring up the road. Shore Rd. Its the spring Gixxxerkim shows a video of. Wish someone would test it to see if its drinkable. I tested it to be TDS=24 pH=6.1 I’m thinking of letting my dog drink it for a little while first. My next closes choice of Jurassic spring in on Staten Island and the post there sound like that one is closed too. Millurn NJ has high TDS so thats out. May have to go back to filtering water like I was doing 2 years ago. All the water I drank since then was from CSH Spring. All! Lets get our spring back
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back
town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172
councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174
councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172 they are having a “closed door meeting with suffolk
I was down at the spring last night, whats left of it. The sound of rushing water has been replaced by a fan spray into the air. Not sure there is any way to capture water, now. Police have been sighted in the area. Probably deterring people from climbing down the steep rocky wall. I think the spring may somehow plug itself up. I may end up resurfacing someplace else like 30 feet offshore. Rather than hire the Greenpease submarine, if they have one, we should all do the following:
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back
town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172
councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174
councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172
Gixxxerkim or Daniel Vitalis or LeighLon Anderson, Is the other spring 6 feet out in the bay at high tide a Jurassic spring? If it is, can you add it to the database? If its not can you tell Gixxxerkim what to do if he/she drinks it and gets sick as a dog.
I have a spring update. 2/23/13. TDS=47 pH=6.1 The spring has been vandalized in many places. The new location is just north of the dock, just under the lip of the retaining wall. The original 150 foot black plastic pipe has been reduced to a 1 inch metal pipe.(Silver in color) It is cut or broken just past an elbow that is inside the retaining wall mesh. It just so happened that some of the broken pipe catches some of the water and it dribbles down five feet to the south, from an abandoned hacksaw cut, behind the retaining wall mesh but still accessible using a narrow neck bottle to get behind the mesh. I hope someday the spring is re plumbed. I hope whoever cut the spring finds the help he needs. This is the 3rd time someone broke it.
This is the alternative location on Shore Road. When the Harbor Road spring is disconnected, broken, or frozen, this one seems to be in order. Its sometimes 6 feet into the bay though at high tide.
I wish Daniel Vitalis would add this one to the database. People have been drinking and testing this spring every year for many years. If its not a Jurassic spring I would say don’t drink from it, right? I’m filling my jugs but I haven’t drank any until I am sure its good water. There is a duck pond up the street. If that’s the source of the spring it my have poop in it.
What is the latest on this spring? and what is TDS?
can someone please update is the spring open? Thannx
Spring has been reopened for a while now. But this afternoon I was there and it wasnt’ running maybe frozen? I hear there is another outlet on shore road but I don’t know where.
Could we get an update if this spring is open? NYC prices at $2.50/gallon for spring water is ridiculous and extortion to nth degree. Thanks!
Still running wanna go there tomorrow
I meant is it sill running?
Just got water from there today. TDS was 32. Water is excellent.
They put up a brand new sign recently, like a HUGE warning sign that the water is not safe to drink, but it’s still flowing. I’ve seen several people who claim to have done independent testing, and even posted the results (and they were perfect) but I’ve also seen people posting that they have seen negative test results (but didn’t have the proof). I’m torn. The water tastes incredible, TDS is around 28-32 on any given day.
There is another spring in the area with even lower tds- drinking from it for 3+ years now and feel great. email bajafresh [at] gmail for more info
Went there today,and the water was turned off! Anyone know what is up with this?
That’s weird! I just drove past there today 8/13 at about 11:30am and the water was on and people were filling up their bottles.
Is the water safe?
this spring is very much open and has a new pipe…enjoy!!!!
yes, where did you get the glass bottles from?
Is this spring currently running?
This great. I relocated back from AZ and so happy to see theres someplace close to get real spring water. I wouldn’t even think of drinking any water that wasn’t purified from the east, so I had to buy my water. Im saying this because I found out something interesting. A few years ago I had a hair analysis and to my surprise I found had high levels of uranium in my hair. I couldn’t understand why since Im in the health field myself. then a few months ago I was talking to this Dr and he told me most all his patients had high uranium in their hair and many of his physician friends also found that in their patients. It immediately brought back to mind my own hair analysis. I asked him why did he think that was. He told me after a lot of hard searching he said her was told by some one that said if anything came up it would be denied. He said he found out that nuclear waste was being dumped in the mountains of Northern California. I though wow since they aren’t using the Yucca Flats facility in Nevada they were trying to hide it there. Now recently I came across an interesting article that spoke about a man that is an icon in the environmental movement. His name is James Lovelock. He is the creator of the “Gaia Hypothesis “. The article is ” The Creator of The Gaia Hypothesis Supports Nuclear Power”. He basically says that natural environments can withstand much higher levels of radiation that would be intolerable in cities. He states that we call the ash from nuclear power waste and worry about how we should dispose of it. Now heres the scary part. He next states” I wonder instead if we should use it as an incorruptible guardian of the beautiful places of the earth. Who would dare cut down a forest in which was the storage place of nuclear ash”. UNBELIEVABLE !! Now the whole watershed is contaminated with Uranium.
This great. I relocated back from AZ and so happy to see theres someplace close to get real spring water. I wouldn’t even think of drinking any water that wasn’t purified from the east, so I had to buy my water. Im saying this because I found out something interesting. A few years ago I had a hair analysis and to my surprise I found had high levels of uranium in my hair. I couldn’t understand why since Im in the health field myself. then a few months ago I was talking to this Dr and he told me most all his patients had high uranium in their hair and many of his physician friends also found that in their patients. It immediately brought back to mind my own hair analysis. I asked him why did he think that was. He told me after a lot of hard searching he said her was told by some one that said if anything came up it would be denied. He said he found out that nuclear waste was being dumped in the mountains of Northern California. I though wow since they aren’t using the Yucca Flats facility in Nevada they were trying to hide it there. Now recently I came across an interesting article that spoke about a man that is an icon in the environmental movement. His name is James Lovelock. He is the creator of the “Gaia Hypothesis “. The article is ” The Creator of The Gaia Hypothesis Supports Nuclear Power”. He basically says that natural environments can withstand much higher levels of radiation that would be intolerable in cities. He states that we call the ash from nuclear power waste and worry about how we should dispose of it. Now heres the scary part. He next states” I wonder instead if we should use it as an incorruptible guardian of the beautiful places of the earth. Who would dare cut down a forest in which was the storage place of nuclear ash”. UNBELIEVABLE !! Now the whole watershed is contaminated with Uranium.
this spring water tastes sooooo goooood. tds is low but so is the ph. but nothing like a lil ph balancing fun at the house..
is this an actual artesian setup?? or spring?
meaning what kind of source is the water flowing from
Hi! Thanks for sharing! Where did you get the glass bottle from?
You can get glass carboys from Brooklyn Homebrew or online some place. There’s also Better Bottle which is lighter and won’t break. Supposedly it doesn’t leech plastic, but I have smelled a little something in mine. Still, it’s better than plastic and safer (and lighter!) than glass. Brooklyn Homebrew has some good people working there. . .they can help you out for sure.
Hello Anthony,
Can you tell us what is the latest situation regarding Cold Spring? Also, as any have asked; can you tell us where to get the bottles?
Thanks buddy!
This is just fantastic! Thank you Anthony — can you tell us where to get the water bottles and also is the spring shut down…?
This is just fantastic! Thank you Anthony — can you tell us where to get the water bottles and also is the spring shut down…?
The water is back on and we are working on two projects for this WELL (it is not a spring). One, we want to get a testing program in place to determine quality, and secondly, we want to build a more natural looking stone structure for the water lines.
Check out our website, coldspringharborspringwater.com, or email me at TurnOnTheWater@gmail.com. We need to find a mason who can build the structure and I am working on local landscape suppliers to donate the supplies.
Thanks to all who signed the petition and to ToH Supervisor Frank Petrone for standing up to Suffolk County and turning the water on.
I found out about all this to late, however, if you ever need support in the future, please let me know. Have you found all the workers you need? I am a mature woman and have not skills of that sort. I am enthusisatic and would help to support the issue in other ways if necessary. Keep up the good work. It is a beautiful project.
Good E FEN INK friends including Billy Joel !!
The artesian well water is flowing again the town decided to connect the hose ! Guess they knew they should do the “right thing”.. Well guess there is hope for democracy !! even in a town full of hipocrites !! THANK YOU DAN VITALIS for your website !! Your site has helped us get out the word !!
BILLY JOEL — you out there ?? Your park named “BILLY JOEL PARK” is adjacent to our now “DISCONNECTED” artesian well water hose.. Can you write and sing a song for US ?
maybe the first line would go like this – in a town that was know as Cold Spring Harbor the rat bastards took away our water dah dah dah da da da da and our freedoms were gone and a dah dah dah and then HIT it heavy with the PIANO !! with a syncopated beat da da da da da kind of like you did for the Piano Man !!
Selfish? Why? It is NOT selfish. The water is free and flowing all day, not like those filling up are hoarding it from others, everyone can get in on it.
Really? Are you sure? How do you know this, and where are the cameras? Has anyone been convicted? I saw people filling up today.
Susan, youtube search “Daniel Vitalis,” and watch his videos. “H20 Magic” is a great starting point, it is a 14-part video series. He talks about water on many other series, including “Elixircraft” and “Invincible Health.” Educate yourself before you talk badly about spring water. It is the water we are all meant to drink.
It is NOT ridiculous! That is a very selfish attitude. It doesn't harm anyway that they do that. We as humans need water to survive, and they are completely allowed to do that. The water is a gift from the earth. In Japanese the word for “abomination” is the same as the characters for “to sell water” – because it is a birthright. You are 70% water, the planet is too, everyone has a right to the clean water that springs forth from the earth. And, if you watch videos by Daniel Vitalis (H20 Magic, for example), you'll understand why it's so important that it continues to be shared.
You hear about the 2 holes in the ground ?
WELL WELL – ok now do we have your attn:
Your well water sources may be the next to be cut off !!
Support the FOLKS @ COLD HARBOR – the town is going to be renamed
soon since they removed the SPRING !! Do what you can to get the word out !
Thank You All ! Oh by the way it is adjacent to Billy Joel Park. Is there anyone out there that knows Billy Joel ? – If so -step up to the plate and tell em what they have done
– please tell em they shut off our SPRING – maybe he can even write a song about it !!
Hello Friends of Humanity, The Earth & FREEDOM !!
Hope you enjoy this video !!
Please do what you can to help us !!
Hello friends,
Here are more facts presented by Hank – and by the way you would never believe
how “YOUNG” hank is and the water certainly didn't hurt em
Greetings Friends of the Earth,
A website has been set up to help get the word out on the issue at hand of “OUR” artesian well water being shut down – If you wish to get involved to have them give us back “OUR” water than please visit this website: Michael – a down to earth guy with a zest for
life and a deep rooted feeling to do the right thing has devoted lots of time to set this up.
Read this article please !!
IS America the land of the free ?? or just the land of the capitalist self serving pigs ?
Heather & Friends of Freedom++++
I brought three bottles of the water to my mom's house and she is 89 yrs old and she had her sister who is 85 with her and they tasted the water and said it tasted great ! You know I wasn't drinking this water for over 8 years and then I saw that they disconncted the hose and for me it was more about losing “OUR FREEDOMS” than drinking the actual water and now I thirst for the water in the worst way!
I am so upset that they closed down the springs. I grew up in Cold Spring Harbor and drank from those springs all the time. As did my ancestors before me. My family has been in Cold Spring Harbor from the beginning. I still go there to get a taste of the goodness. No one has EVER gotten sick from the water. EVER! So now they want to take away the reason they named the town Cold Spring Harbor in the 1st place. It's like taking the Oysters out of Oyster Bay!. And in reply to Dave, Thanks for the numbers. I will be making lots of calls come Monday morning.
Please call “YOUR” local gov representatives and tell them you want the water back
town supervisor- Frank Petrone -(631) 351-3030, councilman Mark Cuthbertson (631)351-3172
councilwoman Susan Berland (631)351-3173 councilwoman Glenda Jackson (631)-351-3174
councilman Mark Mayoka (631)351-3172 they are having a “closed door meeting with suffolk
county heath dept folks on July 8th so it is important to call – sooner rather than later
There is a spring on Staten island – haven't been there however.. Yes it is a sad
thing and you hit the nail on the head – this is America – Land of the free yet you can't even take some simple spring water — the control freaks shut it down but – we have not
given up yet !! We are going to be on their egotistical asses and are not going to give
it up so easy!! They have all the money and still they are unhappy so they must “control you ” to get their jollies see the money still doesn't make them happy – they are miserable people – just show money doesn't bring happiness or hippy ness for that matter !!
I happen to be related to a board member from the boating club. Apparently someone in the winter slipped on the ice and is suing the town. Then the town stated the spring water spout belonged to the boating club so that is why it was moved inside the private club. The number of people pulling up to the spout with 5 gallon jugs to fill was outrageous. It wasn't only 1 it was more like 5 to 10 bottles.
If you go to the meeting this evening, this matter will not be opened for discussion. It will be scheduled for the next meeting.
The Water at Cold Spring is fine to drink. I have the test results from National Testing Labs. I went to the Rally on Sunday and made a few signs Like SAVE COLD SPRING. What is Cold Spring without a Spring? I hope lot's of people took notice to our signs and go to the town meeting Tuesday night the 15th. Lot of good folks helped with the effort of saving the spring. Those trying to close the Spring must be Cold! There are alot of worse things to drink!
Someone just emailed me to tell me she knows a biologist who has tested the water here (no idea when and why) and said the problem was coliform levels. I'd love to have a spring I could go to but only if the water is safe to drink as verified by unbiased scientific methods and sources.
It's no longer in operation, I was there yesterday, June 13, 2010 and the flexible hose was completely removed. I located a galvanized pipe. This pipe now leads to the dock and ramp of the private boating club to the right of the former flowing spicket. The pipe is attached to a metal container under their board walk. A plastic hose discharges the overflow of the spring water, which was once available to the public. I don't know why it is not available any longer. I wonder who has jurisdiction over this spring.
PLEASE FOLKS – from NY NJ CT and those farther away who wish to support all of us.. remember the slogan united we stand – divided we fall !! Well you can support us now since
they have taken away the Spring water that so many enjoyed – COME – to the Spring Water
Rally this Sunday 10am – 3 PM – your Spring Water & freedoms may be the next to be effected by your local government's facist behavior. !!
Gliptic :
Thanks for your insight into this matter that is more important than many realize.. It is as much about the water as it is about our dwindling freedoms here in AMERICA –
supposed “LAND OF THE FREE” See if you can attend the water rally on Sunday and bring as many folks that you like and love along with your kindred soul !!
I had the sense that there was going to be conflict over this spring the moment that I first arrived. I felt a strong sense that someone would feel the need to control that water supply. There are always control issues disguised as something else. I have never seen the area dirty or folks disrespectful. That's just a smoke screen. It's very sad that whomever is behind this felt better about life by denying others such a simple pleasure.
Fortunately Control and fear are on their way out….and unity consciousness is on it's way in!
Hi Sylvia,
Please come to the Spring Water Rally and tell your friends !
You can get glass bottles here:
They also have “Better Bottles,” which supposedly to not leech and are lighter and sturdier than glass.
This is awesome! Could you please tell us where you get the glass bottles? Thanks!
go on amazon or homebrewitt.com
Or use left over wine jugs
I would have to agree with Michell about other sources of water on Tap and Spring water we buy in bottles besides that, it may have dog drool or whatever…LOL it is Pasturized…it has to be. So springs are better but should be tested frequently from a reliable source.
Miss snot ass Susan,
Why don't you petition the town and now have it renamed COLD HARBOR or Harbor
NY.. – since there is no spring soon . You probably drink bottled water from plastic bottles that produce more toxic materials since most of the plastic is incinerated and then trashes the air we breath. Your attitude sucks – you also probably drive a big ass
petroleum sucking SUV and don't give a crap about anyone but your narrow circle of like
minded snot asses and your ways will be the demise of “OUR QUALITY OF LIFE”
If you have any kids you don't care if the enviromnent they have been handed down will be devoid of fish and clean air etc – due to your SELFISH self serving ways.. Why don't
you birth a child into a toxic wastedump !! or a cesspool for that matter !!
People like you are a major reason why the world is so messed UP !
GOOD LUCK – If I had the opportunity I would flush people like you down the toilet
like a piece of stinking fecal matter
I personally tested the water and so did a third party company. On any given day the water tests differently. Forget the pesticides, the acidity content of the water is scarily high. Everything bad likes acid and thrives on it. Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline state but loves acid. For that reason alone, I would not drink or recommend drinking that water. I don't know why the water was shut but I do know that in addition to my tests, the town has been called and notified of the third party water testing. I ask myself, if they operate and regulate that spout, could they possibly have a law suit on their hands if they allow the water to run and people to drink from it knowing it does not meet standards. I have been here for 40 years and know of people who have drunk from that spring for years, I do not want to share their health situations nor do I know if any of them relate to the spring. I would not blindly drink that water. The folks signing the petition should maybe get together and have their own tests done.
Hell Folks –
You can see if “YOUR” government works for you now or if it is all a BS illusion & if we actually live in a “free” country .. Come to the “SRRING WATER RALLY” @ the Cold Spring Harbor boat ramp on SUNDAY June 13, from 10 am – 3 PM bring you friends and familly and some empty water bottles and some signs and show the rotten creeps from the town that “WE THE PEOPLE” want “OUR” – (yes it is OURS) water back — next they will try to shut off your air supply.. Like Joani Mitchell sang – you don't know what you've got till its gone! NEXT sttep – come to TOWN OF HUNTINGTON town hall meeting June 15 @7:00 PM and tell em you want the water accesible.. it is now running into the harbor
and is hard to access and on algae covered slippery rocks !!
Would you be so kind as to inform us as to whom has tested the water and gotten these results? A respected friend of mine told me that the water checked out. I was also told that the water quality is monitored by the Town of Huntington. I have not confirmed this, as the TOH has not returned my emails.
In all due respect to Susan, my family has lived in TOH, Lloyd Harbor since 1991. Obviously, I may have missed witnessing some poor behavior at the spring, but I must say that in almost 20 years (has it been that long!) I haven't seen any rambunctious behavior at the spring. However, I do know that in the past several years that I have been retrieving our water there I have seen and met many Korean and Asian families and Latino landscapers filling up water vessels. As a graduate of Cold Spring Harbor HIgh School, where at the time that I attended there were statistics of 1/2 of an African American student in 7-12 grade school, I would hate to think that the decision to cut the line was the product of discrimination. This spring could easily be rerouted 10-20 feet to public property. In Johnson, VT there is a quaint (and functional) tap created out of concrete and stone.
IMHO, in so far as the sanitary condition of the spring- it is always running and anything that may have touched the nozzle is washed away. For those of us who are informed about water, tap water is not the answer. Not only has it been stripped of all of its mineral content, but it has many unwanted residues including jet fuel (the government has mandated 'safe' quantities) and trace amounts of many prescription drugs, not to mention chlorine and (in some counties) flouride, both known to cause disruption in thyroid function (possibly other things, this is only what I am personally aware of). How do we know that spring water from commercial sources doesn't have dog drool (lol!) amoung other things? Factories are scary places even 100 years after Upton Sinclair.
Honestly, this spring is very well used. There are times that I have had to wait for 20+ minutes or stop back on a different occasion. For this reason, I think that the town should post its reasons for this significant change to people's lives. I think that this community has been greatly overlooked and it would be common courtesy to provide an explanation.
The water has been tested, it has very high levels of nitrates and nitrites, otherwise known as pesticides and fertilizers. It also has extremely high acidic levels which is terrible for our health. It might taste good but maybe there is a good reason, a health reason for shutting the water off. This has nothing to do with your own freedom rights this is a health issue. Where do you think all the pesticides go, what about all the maliathion that was sprayed for West Niles, why are they're no longer lobsters, shrimp and oysters in our water. Why in the world would you drink something that is killing off our wildlife. I don't get it…..
Hello all,
I live in CSH, and don't know why the water was shut off either. All I know, is that people that do take the water have been posting obnoxious signs such as “Turn the Water On”, and “Obama Shut off the Water”, and there have been people out at a table on the side of the road (and 25A is very dangerous) having people sign a petition to bring the water back . Many have commented that CSH is a quaint old village, and we'd like to keep it that way. Anyone who lives here sees people taking water at all hours of the day and night with lights on, radios blasting and leaving water bottles, cigarette buts, garbage on the site. Maybe you aren't those people, but that's what we residents see and you know the saying “One bad apple spoils the whole barrel! I have never tried the water, and don't want to. I'm not sure why you want to because for all you know, someone might have put their mouth on the hose to drink, or maybe their dog drank from the hose and licked it. The whole idea is disgusting and unsanitary to me no matter how great you think the water is.
Just my thoughts, sorry.
Your response is an important one. Litter bugs are everywhere. The town should be charging fines for littering. If they can catch people on speeding, vagrancy and parking issues, the town can also watch for those that are dropping their goods where ever they please, this includes cigarette butts.
I have been coming here for several years and have run into people who have been for 25+ years. I thought that it was public property as it is literally on the side of a public road. the water hose could easily be rerouted to public property if there was demand. I emailed the town of Huntington about the situation and didn't get a response. If anyone is up for organizing, I will be the first in line to get our water turned back on. I'll keep posted.
I think there needs to be a proper conduct or else sign.
If I could just say. . .this is how things get out of hand when they don't necessarily need to. Like I said, I've never been to this Spring, but perhaps the people who own the neighboring property have their own reasons for denying access. Perhaps someone (not you, of course) was noisy, messy, or inebriated when they filled up and it left them with a bad taste in their mouths. Maybe people were rude or disrespectful.
I don't know the answer to these questions, and it seems like neither does anybody else on this list. Why not ask the owners what their motivation was and ask if they'd consider working something out? Maybe leaving a donations box nearby, or charging 50 cents per visit, or requiring a call in advance to control disorderly behavior might be all they would need to feel comfortable. And how bad would that be?
Being a property owner can be a huge hassle, especially when random people are wandering up into your space every few days. And some of those people (again, not you) might be kind of weird.
Anyway, they may be total a**holes, that's true, but we'll never know until somebody kindly asks for an explanation. One way to ensure that they *become* total a**holes is by preemptively treating them that way and starting some kind of war on their town.
Have a little compassion for the people who live/work on the land full time and realize that we water foragers are guests who visit for a short while and move on, while they have to live there every day. A little understanding can go a long way towards finding a solution, but the freaking out will only lead to more problems.
Remember, the point of this is so we can get some good water, not to raise holy hell on people we don't even know. Keep the mission in sight, lest we lose more of these wells.
PS- not to jump to conclusions, but I think it's worth noting that after what, 100 years (?), the well is only now being closed now that it's been publicized on this site? It might help if Daniel put up some guidelines as to proper behavior with “the natives” when filling up in case “disorderly conduct” was what caused the closing. Presumably more and more people are visiting now, which means more and more chances of a mishap. This is something that we should bear in mind across the world as spring water becomes more and more popular. D
Oh man, this is about to get interesting!
I'll save the political/racial ranting for the liberal and/or ethnic posters and just say that probably any trespassers will be prosecuted, not convicted. The conviction will be up to a jury not the property owner, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it would never even get as far as an indictment. Do they have retina scanning devices on those cameras to compare us all with the international spring water thieves database?
Has anyone even tried communicating with the owners of the property? (I would recommend that most of these posters *not* attempt that, since they don't strike me as being terribly diplomatic).
Anyway, I haven't been to this spring yet, but this thread line has made me want to come down there and meet y'all!
The water continues to flow heavily out of the rocks to the right of and below the dock. You just need to walk down below the dock to get it. The tubes have been removed but the water still pours out of the rocks. I filled a bottle this way today.
The spring is back in action. I was there on Sunday and there is a black hose with spring water running out right next to the entrance to the yacht club pier.
Went by today the dam tyranny of the quote unquote free county we are supposed to be living in ! WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO PREVENT FOLKS FROM GETTING SOME SPRING WATER !! ! See the movie “America – From freedom to facism ” by Aaron Russo
I've been getting cold spring water for a long time now. Someone told me there was a spring in Oyster Bay some years ago in which people abused and made a mess. Driving past Cold spring in a hurry to get to Huntington I saw this man cleaning his vaccum equipment out he must use for a business. Stupid ass! Others like Asian Restaurant owners or something bring many bottles to fill and are just down right selfish! Maybe a sign with Courtesy Tips might help.
If anyone knows of a spring somewhere on long Island please let us know.
The travel is so far to go west and north. You know there has to be more springs here.
Thank you!
I also went to CS Harbor and was totally devasted when I had seen that the water was no longer available. So I am wondering, what are our options for pure, fresh spring water for those of us living on Long Island?
Hi Jay,
We are outraged too! We think we saw you last weekend at the banished spring. In the air above us that day there were heavy chemtrails — just another issue at large – of course the Sping water is more urgent at the moment ..
We wonder who is responsible for removing the hose and for what reason. ??
so is there any hope of getting the water back? who can we talk to?
Sunday May 16th 2010. The hose has been cut and diverted into a private dock area . There was a sign at the location above which had been painted over as to block out the words “Taking water prohibited.” The sign currently reads “Turn water back on”.
The gate was open to the dock so I didn't see the sign that it was a private area untill after I filled my jugs,
i wonder what the reason for prohibiting water use is. I hope there is not contamination.
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Who is “they” that have “prohibited” the public from using our natural resources on public property!!!!
The Cold spring for the public has been shut down, and the hose removed with only a sign that say's :
With no explanation given, after over 100 years, they owe us that.. i'm very upset !
Just wanted to let people know before they drive.
I was here today. Best water ever!
hey thankyou everyone that has made the knowledge of this spring available i have been searching for a spring for so long and did not realize there was one so close to me i live in long beach on the south shore
Thanks…is that a platic hose?
Just went here yesterday. Be careful of the Google Maps directions when turning off NY-135N. Take the WOODBURY exit toward 25East. Don't continue to Jericho (end of Expressway) that will put you on 25West….e.g. the opposite direction. Even though I got turnaround I finally made it and it was well worth it! Thank you Daniel!
Living in Cold Spring Harbor is my dream. The view is amazing, and the village quite, but in the same time developed and civilized.
Living in Cold Spring Harbor is my dream. The view is amazing, and the village quite, but in the same time developed and civilized.
Just found this too
You never know till you really check.
HI Guys,
Used to get water from Cold Spring Harbor's spring, but since I've been talking with some raw foodists, locals, and spring water enthusiasts, there might be something else in the water. From what I understand, Cold Spring Harbor laboratories is right there and that's where they do DNA work. Seeing how the lab has been there since before EPA standards or most likely any strict standards were put into place, I got a little wary of getting my water from there. Most likely, these little take home kits can't check out molecular bonding, so until someone or “WE” test it to that level, I'm going to stay clear for a while.
Hi…. I live in Astoria Queens..Spring Harbor ,is that in Long Island… ? How far is it from Queens?
Thanks, Anthony. Will check out. Thank God for Zipcar! D
Oh, they also sell Better Bottle carboys which are, indeed, super light and durable. I'm always a little skeptical about new technologies and toxicity, but these seem to be pretty tight. You could also load up in a BB and then siphon it into glass when you get home- assuming you have the space for all those extra jugs!
These guys sell glass carboys in the city- Italian made and Mexican made. I think you can get rubber protectors for them, but I don't know where. Mountain Valley Spring Water delivers water in 5-gallon glass jugs also, and they have bulky plastic containers to protect them. Maybe you could contact them about where to get some.
THe carboy link is here- http://www.brooklyn-homebrew.com/Brooklyn_Homeb…
Check Better-Bottle.com or fine a local wine/beer supply company. Big glass bottles are ideal, but can be very dangerous and extremely heavy. Consider using highgrade plastic during transportation, or bring cardboard boxes (usually when you buy the bottles they will come with these) and put the bottles (dried off of course) in the boxes when you drive back home.
Hi Dave…that other anthony is not me…(rawmodel.com)
This water is fine…easily the best option if you are in NYC. A quick drive on the BQE out to Hicksville then head north for 15 minutes. WAY faster than Stokes out in NJ. We still prefer stokes, but if time is a concern, I have NO problem getting water from here. TDS came up 40 for me. The water is cold, but not as cold as it could be because of the long tube it comes out of. I would go.
I have been drinking this spring water for about 3 weeks. It tastes a lot better than tap water. This site posted TDS 20. Anyone know more infor about this spring's water quality?
Hey Anthony. There's another Anthony posting here w/o a picture attached. Is that you too? He/you says he's not that into the water here after all. I'm in NYC and am looking for local options for spring water. Have you been to any that you'd recommend? A 2+ hour drive wouldn't be too much. Thanks! D
google wine jugs or glass carboys
Where do you get the giant glass bottles? I am so excited and grateful to have found this.
I went here a couple nights ago and the water doesnt feel or taste good to me. It tastes clean but it also had a after taste that felt like tap water. Other springs ive tasted i could tell were great very easily. There might be some other springs in the state parks in suffolk.
We just went here this evening…it is right across from the library next to a long dock that goes out to the harbor. The TDS read 20! Very nice. There were three other groups there getting water as well, so all seems fine. Drinking the water now…very tasty and clean. Happy to have this option from NYC instead of having to cross over to NJ. No tolls and easy driving the whole way.
Im so grateful this popped up!!!